• n3 MEMBERS 16,000
  • MONEY SAVED $72,000,000*

On average, n3 Trade Card business members saved $1,743 last year*. What will you do with your savings?

Access business discounts from leading NZ suppliers for $110+gst per year, without having to open an account.

Trade Card App Suppliers
Already an n3 member?

If you or your business is already a member and you are looking for your Trade Card details, please fill out this form here.

If you want to join n3 Trade Card App, please use the form below.

n3 Trade Card App

Get access to the n3 Trade Card App for $110 +GST.

Step 1 of 3.

What is the best way to contact you?

Prefer to talk to someone?

Phone us on 0508 20 30 40 to speak with our friendly team.
There is no obligation to join.

Trade Card App Membership

Access business discounts from leading NZ Suppliers without having to open an account.

Pay cash\EFTPOS for goods. Get discounts on the go.

  • Save at 20+ Suppliers
  • Pay cash\card at checkout
  • App for iOS
  • App for Android
  • 1 x app access


Benefits of n3 Trade Card App

  • Access discounts without having to open an account, in the convenience of your smartphone
  • Easy to use - simply show at the time of purchase
  • Pay at the time of purchase using cash, EFTPOS or credit card – no credit link to your company
  • Exclusive offers on the Trade Card App

Part of an association?

Your n3 Membership might already be waiting for you. View a list of Associations to see if you’re already sorted.


Looking for On Account with the best discount rates at the largest range of our Suppliers?

Get started here.



How to use your Trade Card and App:


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Show App

Show your Trade Card App at the counter before goods are scanned.


Discount applied

The cashier will apply n3 pricing to the sale.


Pay for goods

You pay for the goods using cash, EFTPOS or credit card.




Site Safe Logo

"n3 is so easy to use. Many of our staff work regionally, the n3 Trade Card enables them to pick up supplies easily and quickly when travelling between training courses, events, consultations and audits. "

Site Safe New Zealand
$22,716 saved with n3
Read more ›




n3 Trade Card App FAQ

The Trade Card App allows our Members to receive in-store or online discounts on business purchases from some of our most popular Suppliers without the need to open a trade account.

The Trade Card App is great for adhoc business-related purchases when you don’t have an account set up with a Supplier.

Fill out the form above to join n3 Trade Card App and you will receive access to one app.

If you are interested giving your entire team access to the Trade Card App a full n3 membership is the option for you.

If you’re already an n3 Member and the person who primarily deals with n3 you should already have access to Trade Cards when you login to our website, under 'Manage Trade Cards'. If you need help email ask@n3.co.nz or your Account Manager and we will make sure you and your staff have access.

If you are not the Prime Contact, firstly confirm – do you make purchases on behalf of your business? If yes, then the best place to start is with your employer.

No you don’t. Purchases using the Trade Card App must be paid for with cash/card at the time of purchase.

We may provide limited reporting for Trade Card spend. We recommend keeping your receipts from your Trade Card purchases if you would like to keep track of your business spending.

Fuel is not currently available on the Trade Card App. There are Fuel cards available from Mobil, BP, Caltex and Z as part of a full n3 membership. To find out more click here.

Not every Supplier is available on the Trade Card App. You can see how you can purchase with each Supplier on their profile. To browse all Suppliers click here and select Trade Card and App on the supplier filter.

*Average savings based on members with an average savings of $37.50 or more per month for 2023.